Bacteria of STDs:
- This disease is spread through sexual intercourse, yet other ways you can spread by touching the genitals of another person, and then touches without washing your hands. Symptoms can display between 1 and 4 days after infection. However, sometimes there are no symptoms that can arise at all. And men are more likely to show symptoms than women.
Symptoms include:
- From the penis or vagina discharge and the discharge can be white, yellow or green in color and with a strong odor.
-Maumivu Or burning sensation during urination.
- Irritation / or discharge into the rectum
- For men can swollen testicles and prostate gland
Gonorrhea is a disease spread by the level of the highest order. You can become infected when even if it is the first time they have sex. It is also a disease that infected women abound if her boyfriend will be infected.
Treatment is simple and useful. Gonorrhea can be cured with antibiotics. These drugs can be given in pill, water or through injection.
This disease is transmitted by sexual intercourse with someone who is infected. Symptoms of the disease can be difficult to identify and may take up to three months and older. On average, the first symptoms appear within 21 days of infection.
The symptoms are the same for men and women. Usually, the first symptom of syphilis is a non-ulcer and pain that appears where the bacteria interfere with the body. Typically, for women the situation occurs on the lips of the vagina, clitoris, near or over the cervix. For men, it can be on the penis or the skin of the genitals. Or if you have acquired through sexual contact such symptoms may occur even near the anus or mouth.
Treatment for syphilis is usually the dose 2 times per week for the injectable penicillin or in some cases you may be given tablets antibaiotiki, or capsosi (two colors).
Wipe (chlamydia)
- The disease is transmitted by sexual intercourse with someone who is infected. Often the symptoms may appear from 1 to 3 weeks after exposure but can take a long time, and can be seen at any time.
It is also possible absence dalilia at all. In men the disease is likely to show you what symptoms than women, but some people may not have symptoms.
Symptoms include:
-Kutokwa Discharge the penis or vagina that can be white / cloudy and either stain on underwear
- Feel pain or burning during urination, or find that you urinate more often than usual
-Uvimbe Painful and sore eyes (as eyes infected).
Many women have no symptoms but can feel Preparation fuatazo:
-Maumivu Lower abdomen
- Pain while doing sex
-Get Irregular menstruation
Treatment is simple and useful. Wipe treated for antibaiotiki.
Transmission of the virus:
HIV is mainly transmitted among virus through sex. These viruses have had a great history in the face of the earth to cause illness and death of many people.
However below we will look at two types of viruses that have no serious consequences like HIV.
Herpes. (Herpes) spread of disease through contact with the skin of someone who is infected. Viral disease affects various body parts. This can be through: kissing, interact sex (where the penis entering the vagina, mouth or anus), or the mouth (from the mouth and genitals).
Symptoms usually appear between 1 to 26 days after infection. Symptoms include:
- Itching or tingling be caught in the emotion of the genitals or anus.
-Vipele Small blisters filled with fluid. Shingles later burst leaving michukubuko midomidogo which tend to very severe pain.
-Maumivu During urination, especially if lesions exist middle of the urethra or vagina.
-Mafua Which are associated with back pain headaches, swollen glands and fever.
When symptoms are present, the disease is likely to spread rapidly from one person to another. Virus disease may return occasionally someone who was infected.
Treatment: There is currently no alternative treatment of disease or other virus = Human accompanies them.
However, there are treatments available to help reduce discomfort and sores heal more quickly. These drugs becomes best taken within 72 hours of onset of symptoms. Usually the lesions are healed (even without treatment) after the initial attack.
Epidemiology of genital warts are spread through skin contact. If a person has sex with someone who is infected genitals or on genital warts can be infected as well. Ingredients that can pass the disease through sex. Symptoms begin to appear between days 1 and 3 months since the initial infection.
Symptoms include:
Membrane / lung huge white-colored shaped flowers on the genitals. Links are seen around the vagina, penis, testicles or anus.
You can occur individually or in groups. You can itch, but usually no pain. Often there are no symptoms, and links can be difficult to see. In the case of women, the situation can be seen in genital warts in the vagina or on the cervix, and this may cause slight bleeding or - rarely abnormal vaginal discharge.
Treatment: disease of the joints or swelling can be removed by various methods such as topical medications. However, to remove the membranes of the genitals is difficult and it must be done very carefully in people with training health care. Never try to treat genital warts or STDs own - always seek the advice of a doctor.
There are many other sexual diseases including:
- Leprosy
- Fungazi
- Genital Ulcers
- Eczema
- Plug the urinary tract
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